My wife and I finally got out to see Top Gun Maverick at our local movie theater. We had heard great reviews–it brought back memories of the original Top Gun that came out in 1986. We were both fresh out of college at the time and hadn’t even met yet.
It wasn’t until after seeing the movie, that I was hiking with a friend of mine and we were talking about the movie and some of our favorite scenes.
Of course, the scenes with the fighter jets in dog fights and all of the adrenalin that must be rushing through a pilot’s body were amount our favorites. The pressure and minimal margin for error that a pilot must feel li those moments can be overwhelming.
My friend and I both work for smaller companies.
There are players (companies) in our industry that we compete with that are much bigger than we are, but not necessarily better.
That reminded me of the quote from Top Gun that was spoken a couple of times.
“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot,” Maverick said–only to be repeated back to him later in the movie by Rooster.
It was one of the central themes of the movie. Some would argue that the solution to every problem is the right person.
Maverick referenced the 5th Generation Fighter, and said it would be hard to defend against. On the surface, the technology how it was packaged seemed better and more sophisticated. One of the lessons learned from this is what your organization can accomplish comes down to the leadership and the team they have built.
With the right leader, anything is possible.

Bill Eikost, FHFMA has spent the last 30+ years helping hospitals identify ways to improve cash flow and accelerate collections from all available sources. He is a Fellow in the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) and a recent Past President of the Georgia Chapter of HFMA. During his time at Nemadji, he has been an invaluable asset responsible for forging and maintaining long-term client relationships and national accounts, as well as strengthening strategic partnerships.